feedback on this list appreciated. just a few people asking for a feature makes it very likely to exist, even if it already is listed here. take this as a brainstorming list of ideas. KNOWN BUGS * multiple users reporting Safari issues (bad scaling, bad font on mon name). if this includes you, please reach out * fix those extra pixels at intersections where angles jut out * (maybe same issue) Keywords that appear far along the line may be mis-aligned. So do [] symbols * the black color isn't quite black; try black/green egg and look closely at attribute bar VAGUE TO DO LIST, SOONER: * font check page * multiple evo circles with different cost/color * rainbow color in evo circle needs white text w/black border * add/remove digivolve condition button * better browse of images (see your own w/priority and page through others) * shell without egg MEDIUM TERM: * brick art * full color border art * auto-generate all images with one click (for testing) * standalone binary, so local images can be accessed * get purple text with (parentheses) or fix in import for translation team's format * sample free form for ACEs, and/or better ways of detecting ACE VAGUE TO DO LIST, LATER: * draw name bar with vector graphics instead of layering up images * - for level ? * more Ayar Kasone as backup when the user doesn't have Helvetica Neue: especially DP * get brick backgrounds when we have more samples * get link frames when we ahve more samples * for frame-less ACEs, still have frame stuff at bottom, and make ESS transparnets * ... but ACEs may also be getting rid of ESS text, so... 🤷‍♂️ * option for smaller download (4 MB can be a lot for 1 card) * make default font for level text (before remote font loads) less ugly * for remote fonts, delay first rendering or re-render when it loads * handle too-large text in a better way * get faint white glow in playcost circle * save final art and user art with link * browseable gallery of all saves * user accounts * better parsing of custom card formats * maybe pre-BT14 styles as an option * rarity icons * Burst digivolve format * populating inherit box at the bottom with art * (maybe auto-guessing where the "face" is for that) * new security icons * add triangle to "Rule" text * for options, use black text (with optional white outline) * for white cards, make text black with white outlines white cards * black level box not quite right in shape and size if you look really closely NOMINALLY FIXED BUGS / FEATURES * squeeze rule text as needed to fit in 1 line * pen for creator name (should credit both artist and author) * some timings [in brackets] not blue, again * put all variables into json blob * digixros field goes nuts if it doesn't start with [digixros -x] * Keyword scrunching (try sample ACE with fontsize 140): can't reproduce this even going back a few weeks * bubble around digixros wrong length? don't know what this was any more * dual-layer art (user supplies background and foreground: foreground gets drawn over background) * digimon name for pure yellow/pure white should be solid black, not white with black border * Digixros and "rule" text overlaps. * lower name on options/tamers when no traits * the same way you set color to "green/red" people expect to be able to set the digivolve for a level to be "green/red" instead of needing 2 separate lines * costs in digivolve circle should only have a border if one color in the multi-color demands it * rounded corners not quite right on full art * lower name when no traits * rounded corners not quite working on download * ACE frames with the fancy lines (sort of working already but not really) * sometimes the evo circle colors don't populate * "Effect box" doesn't always show up right away when clicking check box and it's making me angry * make squares transparent for all inherits * assumes only 1 digivolve circle ever needed, mangled art if they're mixed (and can't handle "tamer") * color cicle replacement everywhere (might be done now) * 0 DP * default to array for JSON